Picture: Syndromes and a Century (112/9)
Director: Andrew Dominik, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (112/12)
Actress: Luisa Williams, Day Night Day Night (197/15)
Actor: Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises (174/18) [second nomination]
S. Actor: Steve Zahn, Rescue Dawn (164/13) [second nomination]
S. Actress: Kelly Macdonald, No Country for Old Men (173/17)
Screenplay: Ben Affleck & Aaron Stockard, Gone Baby Gone (177/17)
Scene: Ship's Mast, Grindhouse (110/11)
[Wrong aspect ratio again, but as I said, I take 'em whenever I can find 'em.]
Dominik failed to make the cut for Chopper. (Bad job voters.)
Mortensen scores his second nomination in three years, having finished 2nd in 2005 for his last collaboration with Cronenberg, A History of Violence. Also two for two, nomination-wise, is Zahn, who makes his first top 20 appearance since taking 3rd for Out of Sight back in 1998. Macdonald finished 11th in 2001 for Gosford Park. Williams is new.
Affleck's Oscar-winning script for Good Will Hunting squeaked in at #17 ten years ago.
I've never even heard of this movie
That sucks for you, dude. It's pretty good.
this should have been number 1.
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