Picture: 35 Shots of Rum (94/9)
Director: James Gray, Two Lovers (103/10)
Actress: Catalina Saavedra, The Maid (93/8)
Actor: Tom Hardy, Bronson (118/9)
S. Actor: Brad Pitt, Inglourious Basterds (84/9)
S. Actress: Edith Scob, Summer Hours (101/9)
Screenplay: Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, Lorna's Silence (103/10)
Scene: Dictionary smackdown, Police, Adjective (70/7)
Gray failed to place for The Yards or We Own the Night. (Little Odessa was just before our time.)
Of the actors, only Pitt, who finished 2nd in the same category last year for Burn After Reading, has made a previous appearance in the top 20. He also placed 10th as a lead in 1999 for Fight Club and was one of the Supporting Actor nominees in the Skandies' inaugural 1995 edition for Twelve Monkeys. I can't say I understand what he's doing here this year, especially in the top ten, but I guess that's just one of the many elements of Basterds that's lost on me.
Rocking an actual plot allows the Dardennes to make their highest finish yet in Screenplay; they previously placed 12th for La Promesse (1997), 16th for The Son (2003) and 17th for L'Enfant (The Child) (2006). (Again, no Rosetta.)
"I guess that's just one of the many elements of BASTERDS that's lost on me." Amen.
What?! You didn't enjoy Foghorn Leghorn, Nazi Hunter?
I believe you mean Foghorn Leghorn, Gnatzee Hunter.
It's a little embarassing how excited I get when I see the latest Skandies results have been posted. This time I actually gasped aloud with joy. It's the little things.
Just seeing the 35 SHOTS poster warms my heart to a ridiculous degree. Yay for Gray, too. He did a goddamn elegant directorial turn with TWO LOVERS.
Brad Pitt's performance remains my main beef with INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (although Eli Roth's perf comes in a close 2nd in that category). I've come to forgive (and, more recently, to understand the reasoning behind) the jokey aspects of the film, but Brad doesn't even clown it up right. In an interview, QT expressed disappointment that Brad wasn't being honored with award nominations. Wacky.
It's a little embarassing how excited I get when I see the latest Skandies results have been posted.
As for Brad Pitt, he had me at "Buon Giorno."
This hopefully bodes well for other deserving yet neglected Basterds performances.
Tough crowd.
I thought Pitt was very funny. Just like in Burn After Reading he's shown himself to be very good with cartoonish performances in darkly comic films. I think that's a fairly tough job for an actor. Were there 10 better performances? Maybe, but I would say he did a great job with the material.
I dont find anyting in the movie except Brad Pitt's performance.Story is weak as compare to previous work of the filmmaker.Need to think more deeply.
I don't find anything in the movie except Brad Pitt's performance.Story is weak as compare to previous work of the filmmaker.Need to think more deeply.
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