Picture: The Social Network (185/18)
Director: Gaspar Noé, Enter the Void (203/16)
Actress: Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Vincere (229/18)
Actor: Tahar Rahim, A Prophet (164/17)
S. Actor: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network (142/11)
S. Actress: Dale Dickey, Winter's Bone (162/13)
Screenplay: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen, True Grit (167/17)
Scene: I'm on a boat, Winter's Bone (110/8)
[SPOILER, semi-gruesome. Whatever happened to comedy scenes with Will Ferrell praying to Baby Jesus?]
As noted below, Noé placed 2nd in 2003 for Irreversible. We ignored him for I Stand Alone.
All four actors are new.
In addition to their six previous "nominations," detailed below, the Coen Brothers placed a near-miss 7th for The Big Lebowski (1998).
Nooooooo ...
I was convinced that for the second time in three years my #1 film would win the Skandies. So it's down to BLACK SWAN, DOGTOOTH and WINTER'S BONE #notexactlychoppedlivermindyou
Take solace in the knowledge that every over critic group in the entire world gave it top honors. #DogtoothFTW
It's surprising how much seeing Noé and Mezzogiorno on the list helps The Social Network lamestream medicine go down.
Who names these scenes? Watching it, even with the stylized dialogue, gives me a fresh rationalization to put off watching 127 Hours.
Shocked that Social Network did not finish in the top 2. Even greater shock that Portman scored more points than Mezzogiorno. Let's hope it's a big Black Swan day tomorrow.
This is the first time since '98 and Malick that we've had a director in the top 5 whose film missed the top 10. #noe
This is the first time since '98 and Malick that we've had a director in the top 5 whose film missed the top 10.
There's something kind of astonishing coming up somewhat along those lines. Can't say more.
Who names these scenes?
Each voter has to come up with something, and then I generally go in and pick the one I like best (so that the automated ballot recognizes identical scenes). In the case of this particular scene, most folks alluded to something that's a pretty major spoiler, so I opted to substitute something more innocuous. (If it seems oddly phrased, you must be unfamiliar with this.
Oohh. I'd have called it, "I'm on a boat with my witches."
There's something kind of astonishing coming up somewhat along those lines.
Might it have something to do with a top-3 finisher failing to generate a screenplay mention in the top 20?
I fear it may be something even far more shocking and (from my perspective) far more appalling. After all, even without looking it up, the thing you suggest would already be a known fact and no reason for Mike to be coy about.
Surely ... surely ... we won't have a film win best script and best director and NOT win best film. With what's still to be placed in the Top 3, what I just described could happen with THE SOCIAL NETWORK.
Might it have something to do with a top-3 finisher failing to generate a screenplay mention in the top 20?
Interestingly, the last time this occurred it was also a Malick film (The New World). Though Silent Light just barely squeaked into Screenplay at #19.
Oh and with Eisenberg also still around in Beat Actor and Face-Mash a mortal lock to be somewhere in there for Best Scene, a four-fer that does not include Best Pic is possible.
The scenario you're proposing could also befall Dogtooth which is in the top 3 for Film, Dir, Scr, & S. Actress. Theoretically "flashdance" or some other sequence could show up in the scene category.
But you're probably correct about Fincher and Sorkin winning consolation prizes.
>Face-Mash a mortal lock
>to be somewhere in there
>for Best Scene
What is this scene? I can't remember any individual scene in this WEST SPORTS WING NIGHT movie standing out except the overwritten and annoying one that already placed and the awesome boat one that was by far the best part of the film.
At least this TV film of the week is better than THAT MOTHER.
After all, even without looking it up, the thing you suggest would already be a known fact and no reason for Mike to be coy about.
The coyness might pertain to the degree of severity, such as said top 3 finisher failing to get a single Screenplay vote.
Um, there is also the potentially-astonishing possibility that WINTER'S BONE will win almost every single category while its director languishes at Number 7.
"I can't remember any individual scene in this WEST SPORTS WING NIGHT movie..."
Probably memory dulled by all that crack you and Abel were sharing during the screening
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