Director: Paul Thomas Anderson, The Master (270/23)
Actress: Ann Dowd, Compliance (289/21)
Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln (368/26)
S. Actor: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained (310/26)
S. Actress: Jennifer Ehle, Zero Dark Thirty (221/19)
Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained (225/22)
Scene: Informal processing, The Master (169/15)
In addition to the win and other "nomination" noted below, Anderson placed 7th for Boogie Nights (1997) and 8th for Punch-Drunk Love (2002). Only for Hard Eight did he fail to place in the top 10 (and the bottom 10).
Day-Lewis finally lands somewhere other #1—he has two previous appearances, two wins, noted below. Waltz, in addition to his previous outright win, placed 13th in the same category last year for Carnage. Ehle also makes it two in a row, having landed at #15 in the same category for Contagion. Dowd is new.
In addition to his "nominations," Tarantino placed 13th in Screenplay for Jackie Brown (1997), 8th for Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004), and 6th for Grindhouse (2007). This is his second time as runner-up, as his script for Kill Bill Vol. 1 was bested by Craig Lucas' for The Secret Lives of Dentists (one of my favorite Skandie champs).
Wow, only 26 votes for DDL -- one fewer than Phoenix! I was definitely wrong about that one. Maybe a couple people 30-bombed him.
Forgot to note in the post that this is the third time a Wes Anderson film has placed 2nd, following Rushmore and Fantastic Mr. Fox. Curse?
What was so remarkable about Ehle's performance?
It was performed by Jennifer Ehle. (Not a joke.)
Years ago, i saw Jennifer Ehle on Broadway in Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing and said to myself that this woman is going to be bigger and more respected than Meryl Streep. Hasn't quite happened…and she is not good in Zero Dark Thirty, people. When that suicide bomber is driving up, she was like the Kristen Wig character on Saturday Night Live, the Mom who can't keep the surprise birthday party a secret. I guess it was too much to expect that people would watch W.E. de Madonna to glory in Andrea Riseborough's performance…
When that suicide bomber is driving up, she was like the Kristen Wig character on Saturday Night Live, the Mom who can't keep the surprise birthday party a secret.
Which to me is a really interesting choice, given the character and the situation.
Jennifer Ehle at #2 makes this whole thing worth it. Unbelievable. Well played, folks. It might even make up for that whole Amy Adams fetish that y'all got.
My favorite #2 since Gretchen Mol came close to winning Actress in the year of Helen Mirren's Queen.
I actually love Jennifer Ehle more than the over praised Chastain who frankly was nothing special and her "mothetfucker" scene was ridiculous. My disappointment was really with the writing for the Ehle character. I think we're supposed to see the cold stoic Maya as the successful CIA agent while the warmer more feminine Jessica, the contrast to Maya, who's fate we all know now, is seen as a failure.
Holy Motors is a brilliant choice and I'm glad to see the film getting some recognition. Most of the Oscar front runners, Argo, Lincoln, don't appeal to me. Love Life of Pi and Amour.
Nice work, everyone who picked Ann Dowd. My Best Actress choice, too. And no, we're not related...to my knowledge.
I don't even recall Ehle's performance in the film really. It wasn't until I came here I realized some people found her work noteworthy. If I ever see the film again I'll pay closer attention.
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