Picture: The Dark Knight (176/16)
Director: Gus Van Sant, Paranoid Park (165/17)
Actress: Juliette Binoche, Flight of the Red Balloon (168/15)
Actor: Javier Bardem, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (145/16)
S. Actor: John Malkovich, Burn After Reading (135/14)
S. Actress: Laura Vasiliu, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (127/13)
Screenplay: Martin McDonagh, In Bruges (169/11)
Scene: The diagram, Woman on the Beach (83/8)
[If you guys knew how much fucking time I put in getting the annotation "subtitles" timed just right... Also some of these are placed far enough on the right of the frame that they cut off on this narrow blog template, so you might want to watch it here.]
HISTORY: Van Sant previously placed 4th for Gerry (2003), 18th for Elephant (also 2003), and 15th for Last Days (2005).
Binoche gets her fourth nod, having finished 6th in Supporting for The English Patient* (1996), 13th in Supporting for Code Unknown (2001), and 11th for Caché (Hidden) (2005). In addition to winning Supporting Actor last year for No Country for Old Men, Bardem also placed 17th in 2000 for Before Night Falls. Malkovich makes his first appearance since he won Supporting Actor, needless to say for Being John Malkovich in 1999. Vasiliu is new.
In Bruges is McDonagh's first feature.
* All in all this was a strong year for English Patient leads, what with Binoche, Fiennes and Scott Thomas all placing. Naveen Andrews will have to settle for having nothing whatsoever to do so far this year on Lost.
Burn After Reading had five performances represented in the Skandies. Is that the record?
No. At least two films have had six (I only scanned the Picture list from each year looking for candidates, but it's hard to imagine that a film that didn't place could have nabbed six or more acting slots): Boogie Nights (Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore, Heather Graham, Burt Reynolds, John C. Reilly, Alfred Molina) and The Departed (Leonard DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Vera Farmiga, Alec Baldwin, Ray Winstone).
Leonard DiCaprio is my greatest typo since Hollywoof.
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