Picture: My Winnipeg (118/14)
Director: José Luis Guerin, In the City of Sylvia (141/10)
Actress: Anna Faris, The House Bunny (116/10)
Actor: Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon (107/8)
S. Actor: Robert Downey, Jr., Tropic Thunder (123/12)
S. Actress: Viola Davis, Doubt (103/12)
Screenplay: Andrew Stanton & Jim Reardon, WALL•E (143/15)
Scene: First day at the deli counter, The Wrestler (65/6)
sk8 from Mike D'Angelo on Vimeo.
[Procedural note: I received separate votes for Ram actually serving customers and Ram walking out to the deli to the sound of imaginary crowd noise. After a second viewing revealed that these are contiguous, I decided they're essentially the same scene (since the latter is really more of a moment introducing the scene) and added them all together. I did not, however and of course, add votes—and there were a few—for Ram's last day at the deli counter.]
Guerin (or is it Luis Guerin? I can never get that right) gets the nod for his first eligible film.
Downey has now placed for four consecutive years. He previously finished 10th for Two Girls and a Guy (1998), 3rd for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005), 3rd in Supporting for A Scanner Darkly (2006), and 6th in Supporting for Zodiac (2007). Faris and Langella kick off possible streaks of their own, having placed in their respective categories last year—the former at 6th for [Smiley Face], the latter at 11th for Starting Out in the Evening. Davis is new.
Stanton, who in the past has generally been part of a stable of Pixar scribes, has previously finished 3rd for Toy Story 2 (1999), 14th for Monsters, Inc. (2001), and 11th for Finding Nemo (2003). Reardon is new.
Actress: Anna Faris, The House Bunny
Wait... what?
The screenplay for WALL-E was the worst thing about the movie, and it is my sincere hope that, some day, this mass delusion that the writers of Pixar movies are extraordinarily talented and clever will somehow lift (okay, Toy Story 2, I'll give you that one).
I wouldn't even have expected five voters to have seen The House Bunny, much less 10 to vote for it in any category.
That would be just "Guerín". "José Luis" is a compound name in spanish.
The screenplay for WALL-E was the worst thing about the movie
Sure. And you have to admit the acting was a tad robotic as well.
Actress: Anna Faris, The House Bunny
Wait... what?
Yes. She is as invaluable to that film as Mickey Rourke is to THE WRESTLER. Well played, ten Skandie voters.
I'm guessing if The House Bunny was a Kate Hudson or Drew Barrymore vehicle, it wouldn't have been seen by more than a handful of voters. Anna Faris' livewire inventiveness and unexpected comic touches (typically within the confines of pictures beneath her, unfortunately) are a delight, though; consider the myriad of emotions that flash across her face during the car wash scene.
(right on onionavclub dude on your review imo)
Actually, I have no idea who Anna Faris is. It's just surprising to see that movie named here.
Actually, I have no idea who Anna Faris is.
Wait... what?
Saw House Bunny on the job, but didn't mind too much; someday hopefully Faris will get one golden vehicle, just like Owen Wilson had Shanghai Noon. As usual, I had such trouble filling out the female side of the ballot I even voted for Emma Stone in supporting.
Wait... what?
Well, obviously I have some idea of who she is. I gather she's the chick from The House Bunny, for instance.
Emma Stone had quite a few nice moments in this one (mostly of the profoundly awkward/confused variety). Nice surprise, as she hadn't registered at all with me in Superbad.
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